Friday, April 30, 2010

Poison Pen Letters

It should come as no surprise that poison pen letters are ALWAYS written by poison people. These individuals have every intention of being provocateurs and absolutely thrive on confrontation via surprise attack. Unfortunately they are not too well endowed in the 'brain' department so they need time to plot their hissy fits and present them in writing. Being almost totally bereft of social skills/filters, means that these people are incapable of impromptu, off the cuff or logical responses so they have no choice but to initiate both parry and thrust on paper. Nothing these non Einsteins write can come as a shock, but if ever we feel our hackles rising we must remember the most effective way to deal with losers of such a high caliber, we must recall that especially in these situations, less is more.The poison pen authors expect a short tempered reply; they NEED us to cave and spew our 'supposed' poison right back at them in order to feel that they have been successful in their attempt to force us down to their level. A simple note thanking them for their "input" will be great cause for their dismay because you have not risen to the bait and it will guarantee that despite all their efforts, everything they've done is for naught.