Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Equity in Food

There are Snap, Crackle and Pop (male) there is the Quaker Oats guy, there are the cops on Cookie Crisp and the ever resilient Tony the Tiger, only male names are visible on cereals with nary a sign of a feminine presence. Until now, those who select the cereal monikers have not been receptive to female names on the cereal boxes that grace our tables most mornings. When pressed as to `why`they would probably attest to the fact that Special K cannot be called Special Kendra anymore than Raisin Bran can be called Brandy Raisinette. Granted, Sara Lee is highly visible in the frozen baked goods coolers but in cake mixes, Betty Crocker notwithstanding, we also have Duncan Hines..yet another male!I submit to you that Dr. Oetker is probably male, the President of President`s Choice is most assuredly male and I know for certain that Oscar Meyer is too as is his good friend Jimmy Dean so it would appear that male celebrity is prevalent in an incredibly wide array of food products.
For some reason, the gluten free products appear to have more of a feminine side- Mary`s, Donna`s, Renees etc. etc. but the same cannot be said for most of the food we purchase.Things may be about to change though on a small scale at first beginning with that humble staple, cereal!. It is evident from recent marketing surveys, that old products can be made new again with a different name and at the same time reduce the male influence glut that currently exists. Oatmeal Almond Crisp may soon appear in stores as Oatmeal Almondine, Corn Flakes may soon be called Cornelia Flakes and Betty`s Best Bran Buds is yet another name you may soon find in your local supermarket. I personally have submitted a few name changes that I am hoping to see on shelves in the not too distant future, you should too if you care about equity in your pantry and fridge.

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