Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This word usually refers to physical demeanor but almost never is there a verb derivitive so it is quite odd to be accused of being a disheveller. Even stranger is the fact that when this moniker is given to you, it is a sure fire sign that you stand accused of repeatedly leaving the bed sheets in a dishevelled state, as simple as that. You awaken in the middle of the night to hear that the mess of sheets in which you are entangled is apparently your fault. You are called a 'habitual disheveller' when you know for sure that you had nothing whatsoever to do with the dishevellment of the linens, after all weren't you just blissfully? asleep ergo not consciously dishevelling the sheets? Well actually no according to the little woman who stubbornly maintains that it was ALL you and that you have a master dishevelling plan which you successfully implement even when you are in a deep sleep. There will be no trial and no verdict renderd by a jury of your peers. You are guilty as charged and the only good thing to come out of this false accusation, is the secret sense of pride that is yours when you really think about it all and realize she is right; guilty as charged, you are in fact a true but happy disheveller, but you revel in the knowledge that there is nothing unkempt about you, you may well be a disheveller but you ar NOT dishevelled!

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