Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fisrt Born

As my son sits firmly on the border of his 20s while at the same time marches steadily towards his 30s I take a minute? (not really a minute!!) to reflect back, waaaaay back to that 3rd day in April when thanks to him I became a MOM. Time is still an enigma to me and I continue to be amazed at its steady progression despite our strong desire for it to stand still, especially on momentous occasions. Granted, I did not wish to prolong the length of the actual delivery, but that first sighting and actual holding of the most beautiful baby ever, well that one certainly could have lasted longer. All the milestones notwithstanding, I can see now that is is those small seemingly inconsequential moments I most wish I could have held onto just a wee bit longer. Holding him up to the living room window as our fingers traced the patterns made by a sudden rain, talking to him (non stop)as he lay captive in his pram and we circumnavigated the gardens at Bellevue, I used huge words so not baby friendly yet somehow they seemed just right for him and perhaps this was the beginning of his love of language. (I think it was there that he also acquired his patient listening skills) Singing to him with my awful non tune carrying voice always made him smile, and this was probably the start of his great tolerance for the imperfections in people he had yet to meet. Being a mother saw me morph into something that heretofore was anathema to me; I became a personal cheerleader! From his first steps to his first sentence (bilingual of course)it has been beyond an honour to be in his corner whenever he allowed me to be. I hope that he knows newbie moms sometimes make big mistakes while flying through those parenting years by the seat of their pants, and that he forgives what he has not forgotten in the knowledge that there was only love as a motivator even if that did not appear to be the case at the time.
Today on his birthday I see that the joy of being his mother continues to grow as it walks hand in hand with time. Pride and gratitude can never contained anymore than time can be expected to stand still.
Thanks Dan and Happy Birthday, Love you always, Mom

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There are no mistakes to forgive.