Friday, April 23, 2010

Two To Twitter

For as long as you have been tweeting yours has been a single Twitter family. You have forged many incredible relationships and by now are solidly ensconced within your preferred Twitter clan. The ante is suddenly upped when your other half decides to join the fray and as you welcome her with love, encouragement and pride, do not lose sight of the possible pitfalls on the road to becoming bi/Twittererati! The sheer time factors this doubling will require boggle the mind. You may well rationalize, and say that between the two of you no neglect of house and home will ensue, but really, can you honestly prevent the changes that are bound to occur? That daily prepared gourmet dinner that has thusfar been a staple of your life may well disappear in a cloud of tweets or what's worse may crash and burn due to neglect of oven and /or stove in favour of computer/Twitter time. If you are a single computer family any increase in keyboard minutes may cause angst for the one who can no longer count on having a computer at the ready although in your case the iphone will probably alleviate that pressure. Perhaps it does take two to Twitter and if that is true for you, let's all sing like the birdies do, "tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet"!!

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