Thursday, April 15, 2010

Early To Work/Anti Social??

For as long as I can remember I have been a morning person. It dates waaaay back to growing up in a home where carpe deium was a way of life and sleeping in was frowned upon for being a total waste of time. Although I am not required to be 'on the job' until 9:00am I usually make my entrance around 7:00am which may appear to lengthen my work day by two hours but in fact it actually increases my productivity so in this scenario it is best not to take the accumulated minute count into consideration when deciding how many hours I actually spend at work. It goes without saying that part of the 'avant' work time is spent with those who like me prefer to jumpstart their days. We do not always engage in professional chitchat because we recognize that fine line that divides our lives at work and our lives at home and we tend to choose to blur those lines not just because we can but because there is something magical and mystical about the early morning hours. We take this option for many reasons not the least of which is because we recognize the advantages of sharing when it comes from the heart and not from a mandate. We are not exclusive nor are we members of the 'good old boys club; it is much more elementary than that my dear Watson. In the final analysis, early mornings at work need never be fraught with angst or woe when they can (if you're REALLY lucky) be like droplets of dew, only available at certain times which in the end makes them even more precious then you ever imagined they could be.

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