Sunday, April 11, 2010

End Of The Russian Wedding

Well here it is, Sunday birthday is finally here and this is the first day I get to officially wear the 60 mantle; it actually fits just fine in case you're wondering...nothing oversized and no new wrinkles (at least none that I can see). Began my day with croissants, pain au chocolat and chocolate macaroons, a most auspicious start if I do say so myself.
The weather is very cooperative and after typing this brief missive it's out to walk the old broad around the neighbourhood so that I not only get to enjoy the sunshine, but I also get to walk off some of those notorious birthday calories.
I think my 6o is the new REAL 60 if you're lucky like me and the overall total of regrets is minimal. It also helps not to put too much import on the external and eyesight that is not 20/20 is a most valuable plus if there is more than one mirror at home.
Some people expect to feel an instant difference after they marry, just as some expect to feel an intstant difference after they turn 60.
I am happily not one of those!

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