Monday, April 12, 2010

Les Macarons For Breakfast

I never thought I'd use the phrase "I've earned the right to..." but today that is just what came to mind as I stood in the kitchen at a most ungodly hour doing my daily breakfast self quiz; 'what shall I eat today before I dash out the door, what's quick, healthyish, not messy and good tasting. Today, in contrast to the normal silence that responds to that querry, clear as a bell I heard the answer, chocolate! Chocolate which is totally nutritious is more than likely a unique and satisfying first meal! The thing is, not just any chocolate will do if it is to herald the beginning of a new day and be the barometer by which you measure the success of your daily culinary intake; the chocolate of choice must elicit multiple oohs and ahs even before that first bite.
I believe that I have previously referred to 'les macarons' and confess to needing to mention them yet again because I cannot find words to properly express how amazing they are.
Rather than racing to consult the nearest thesaurus, I think if I simply admit that they have recently become my most favourite food???, enough said!

1 comment:

Kennedy said...

fully agree -great breakfast, lunch dinner or snack