Saturday, April 17, 2010

Miracle Gro

You are sitting at your kitchen table gazing out the window at your spotty two toned (brown and green) back yard and you realize that you long to see that lush green colour that your lawn used to be. What to do is the dilemma du jour as you let thoughts of a personal gardner float about in your head. Your purse strings however are too tighly knotted to afford Mr. Green Thumb so you must find a more creative solution at an affordable price. You consider asking the hunky neighbour to mow your lawn? in the same state of shirtlessness with which he does his own thus killing two birds etc. and you even consider engaging in the barter system, baked goods in exchange for lawn care but for certain reasons this option quickly loses its viability and you are back to square brown patch number one...but only until an annoyingly familiar jingle drifts into your mind; (see music notes here..) You'll have the greenest finest grass to mow, when you give it up to Miracle Gro! (end music notes here..) You see yourself proudly accepting the blue ribbon for your prize winning begonia at the local village floral show and suddenly you are off your chair, car keys in hand and heading out to your local garden center. You will break down and purchase a vat of Miaracle Gro, that is unless you decide that the back yard is to big too handle and that your best bet is to buy a ChChCh Chia pet!

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