Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Lock Out

When choosing whether or not to move into your new abode in a not quite finished building, it is always best to consider the worst case scenarios in order that your decision be an informed one. You might otherwise have to survive the following situation and in truth the humiliation (and annoyance) is not quite worth it.
It is 8:30pm and from the suite above you, there begins a unique whine symphony whose special sound can only be produced by an electric drill. Although you may well know the condo rules which clearly state that no construction noises be made after 5:30pm. it is obvious that your neighbour is not privy to this information or...he simply couldn't care less. You call the security guard who oblingly rides to your rescue (on his chariot..the elevator) but the drilling has taken on the dimensions of a phantom and what you heard only seconds before, is not anything that the security guy can hear now. This continues on and off for over an hour and when hammering sounds are introduced to the cacaphony you call for help yet again. You also decide to become somewhat of a Sherlock Holmes so you step out of your unit (barefoot) to meet the chariot..elevator. The door opens, another phantom experience this one for you as there is no sign of Mr. Security Guard. You return to your front door and turn the handle only to find that you have effectively locked yourself out! You have no choice but to lightly knock on your neighbour's door- another condo rule broken as everyone knows you are never supposed to need to connect with your neighbour in anyway other that the cusrsory nod hello should you happen to meet in the hallway or at the garbage disposal room- and ask for help. Luckily your neighbours are more than willing to place a phonecall to the front desk for you, and they even provide you with a small chair and magazine so that you do not look too forlorn as you sit alone in the corridor outside your apartment listening to the phone ring, a phone you cannot answer.
The lock out ends when your knight in shining uniform finally arrives and uses the master key to open the door. You knock at the neighbour's door once again to return the chair and magazine feeling the same level of embarassment that you did when you knocked the first time.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I should have worn depends when I read this!