Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Singing In The Car

The snow is falling gently and though you'd rather not be in your vehicle slipping and sliding as you wend your way home there are advantages to being out and about alone in the car. You tune in to your favourite radio station or pop in that CD that you love and presto you are instantly transported. Of course the place to which you are transported depends totally on the music you are listening to so the possibilities are endless. My sister used to play certain 'Frank' songs when she needed to warm up her voice on her way to a gig; unlike me, she never cared whether or not she was alone in her car, she and Frank had their duets regardless. I know this because on rare occasions I got to join in and we were happy that Frank as he always does, took us back to our parents, the perfect place to go! I seem to favor Jobim when driving in inclement weather and no matter the song, I get to Brazil! I am suddenly totally fluent in Portugese and quite a singer to boot. I can sing as loudly as I like and mispronounce any and or all of the lyrics but as I am a supportive critic of my incar crooning I THINK I sound terrific!! It is interesting to note that had I opted for that much-loved aria, I would no doubt have been transformed into an amazing soprano with an unbelieveable operatic range and perfect Italian as well! The danger of choosing to sing solo when listenting to country and western is the impromptu line dance that is sure to ensue and that is so not conducive to safe driving.


songwriterc said...

You may want to sing one of my new songs and since you sing so well you may actually get to preform it for a memorable event such as the Oscars. They could use a good song since none were nominated- can't even remember the tune of the winner. And the winner is!!!! PRETTY BITTY - love U

Anonymous said...

The same danger applies to listening to Salsa...transportation directly to Mexico and all things...spicy!