Monday, February 11, 2008

Plus Ca Change

Dating Overload (after 30 years)
There is much to be said for those old adages like "my cup runneth over" or "when it rains it pours". Having braved reentry into that sometimes stormy dating sea and after two years of planting seeds as it were, the harvest is finally upon you and what you reap is what you had not expected to see again, a part of your carefree singlehood reborn! After that successful reintroductory date you learn that there are three more people who would like at least a "first date" with you and suddenly you are almost more in demand than you were way back in the day. Now the dilemma is who, when, where, what and any number of other variables that you never counted on even having to consider at this stage in your life. You are seriously thinking that you might need juggling lessons ( to add to the ballroom dancing and Greek lessons...) even as your ego is having a total resurrection and at the risk of sounding smug and being accused of gloating, you are planning your imminent forays with the clear-eyed focus of an unattached young Romeo. You confidently shred the "just in case" prescription for Viagra that the doctor pressed into your hand at your last physical. You begin to play with your "look" and decide for example to shave the beard in a bid to appear as different on the ouside as your new inner persona demands. You wonder if this new look will be appreciated or if it will even be noticed, and you begin the subtle dance of disengagement( from the first datee) even as you plan to meet your number one choice from among the other three contenders. Of course you will have to wait until her jet lag wears off and now you cannot help but wonder who you can squeeze into the date void while you wait. Perhaps you ought to reconsider a brief second outing with the one who got you to back into the dating pool but then again no, as you are best off letting sleeping dates lie, at least for now.
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