Saturday, February 23, 2008

L'audace? Pas Toujours L'audace!

When setting forth on a new road it is wise to remind yourself that you have made your choice insofar as the road you are walking goes so while you may believe yourself to be audacious, you are in actual fact quite well equipped for your venture. You alone know that were it any other way, you'd not have taken these baby steps away from the old and off to the new and unknown. Audacity is what perhaps first impels you to seek an alternate route but it is not what gets you up and propels you forward, that, is your reborn confidence. The force within that has examined all the parameters and elected to move on is what keeps you going, it is as simple as that. You may well incorporate a bit of swagger yet even that is not to be attributed to audacity, but to bravado instead, and not false at that. If you learn anything from feeling like a cat on a hot tin roof, it should be that all beginnings especially new ones are exciting precisely because their outcomes are impossible to predict.

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