Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Romance At Work Part 2

The dilemma is clear but the waters appear too murky for you to be able to see any definitive solution. You have prematurely set the wheels in motion for your "office" romance and only now do you realize that you must pull back before you can go forward. While you are unsure of how best to proceed, you recognize the irony that that first telephone call (because every authentic office intrigue must begin with an off-site communication) was the easiest step of all, nerves notwithstanding. You have neglected to put any safety measures into place so that you are free-falling without a net with no alternative but to literally put the brakes on. It is not that you rue your initial contact, only that you can now see many of the pitfalls that you failed to address prior to your telephone invitation! Those early"mooning" looks have grown in frequency and intensity and you find you are out of your element when it comes to the politically correct response. Do you dash quickly past her desk or linger for a few moments of idle chit chat before you make your getaway? Whichever path you choose, the end result will be the same; you RUN by her desk!! Do other colleagues notice that you are dressed for the "JOG" or do they chalk it up to the fact that you are after all the CEO's personal trainer and therefore almost always wear runners at work....In the end you have no choice but to make an appointment to discuss your "situation" with the company wellness expert who just happens to be pretty cozy with the V.P. . ... You may even develop a fine sense of paranoia as you wonder what those two might be talking about when they meet up for their daily gab session at the water cooler...

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