Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Office Romance/Retraction Disclaimer

It has been brought to my attention that the "Office Romance" blog along with its partner "Retraction"could be misconstrued by any number of my devoted readers and taken as an account of actual events at my work place. This would not be a good thing as not only is it FAR from the truth, but the unfounded speculation could result in normally highly intelligent people jumping to any number of incorrect conclusions among which could be the grossly inaccurate perception that I may be a "mooner"! ( So not me!!!!) In order to nip the 'wondering' in the bud I will only say that events depicted in those blogs are only slightly similar to real events which occurred in London England about as far away as you can get from where I work. I probably should have added this phrase at the end of at least one if not both of the abovementioned blogs; "Any resemblance to persons working with me is purely coincidental and not in any way fact-based."

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