Friday, February 15, 2008

Romance at Work Part 5 or...The Retraction of the Retraction

An unusual situation arises when the "retractor" suddenly decides to retract his retraction! There is no rhyme or reason for his decision but the ramifications are almost too numerous to ponder. Back to the intrigue and probable office gossip in spades as the gloves are removed so to speak and the wooing is about to begin in earnest. The inside track allows me to be aware of this change of HEART even as the Mooner is still totally unaware that things are about to be rearranged yet again. The difficulty of course will be in finding out just how to stay neutral and not betray any confidences or secrets that I have been keeping. This does make a case for being a responsible confidante and not giving anything away, until that statute of limitations runs out. I can only hope that this time around the "retractor" knows what he is doing because it would be rather difficult to say the least if another retraction should be required. I know that I for one, would be unable to author that and what is even harder to predict is the negative fallout for the Mooner should this come to pass..For now, the Mooner wallows in ignorance, the Retractor is on a high as he plots Plan C and I, the silent witness am petrified!

1 comment:

Johnboy said...

If the "Mooner" wasn't aware of the impending original retraction, is it necessary for the lack of the (once-necessary)ensuing retraction of the retraction to be viewed in a negative light? Certainly no damage has been done and,in light of our finite ability to discern the future as we stumble through our journey, does it represent slipping past the edge of the moral abyss into the netherworld of doubt that envelopes us after most of our decisions? Certainly it would be churlish to think that the divulgence of any information shared in the warmth of a trusting relationship should be shared outside that relationship without first gaining the approval of the party concerned. Keeping secrets is a privilege.