Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I have often advised male friends to take a fair amount of time prior to responding to anything said to them by their other halves and the reason for my suggestion has always been the same; I sought to save my friends from any and all harm that would surely have come to them had they simply interpreted what females said, and then in typical male manner opted for the immediate response plan. I am pleased to announce that I have one friend who has finally begun to see the light. While I do not yet know if he has truly gained any substantial amount of insight into the female psyche, I do know that he has devised a method of behaviour that will be totally disarming to all women and it is thanks to his innovative approach that his lady who had of late been giving him a bit of a hard time, has suddenly elevated my friend to "good listener" status, almost an oxymoron in the English language when women speak of men. My friend had decided to become a better listener and the plan he devised to point out his intent to his spouse was brilliant! During a recent telephone conversation he threw out his net by not responding at all beyond several "mmmm's, I sees, etc. etc. and catch the fish he did! I figure that if he keeps this up for any sustained length of time he will no longer be even vaguely tempted to return to those old fighting days but he will also never really listen again. As a woman I lament the lost instances where men might actually HEAR a thing or two when we speak to them, but in the interest of keeping the peace my vote must go to the NEW AGE listener.

1 comment:

Johnboy said...

SO who's at fault? Women for not saying what they really mean, or men because they don't really want to hear waht's being said.