Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Guest/Usurping Bloggers

What to do when comments about what you have posted are so lengthy that they rival the actual posting both in size and content, is an unexplored area of the blog and a dilemma that can and probably will rear it's verbose head from time to time so it begs a resolution or a plan of action at the very least. I feel safe in saying that I have devised the perfect antidote should this situation befall you and your blog. Simply create a blogspace for the offending commenter so that he/she can comment to their hearts content free from any fears of censure and/or feelings of animosity from the original blogger towards the blogger wannabe. You may have to cut and paste the comment and post it yourself but that is quite a small price to pay for getting your blog back. The only possible alternative might perhaps be setting a limit on the size of comment you will allow. Think of it as a telegram and when the prescribed limit of words is exceeded, the entire comment will be automatically deleted!

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