Sunday, February 3, 2008

Romance At Work?

Statistically "office romance" has been referred to as one of the lower forms of bad work ethics and etiquette, and for some it ranks right up there with industrial espionage, but upon closer examination perhaps love at work is not the death knell of a good working atmosphere. There are always legitimate concerns when contemplating going for the gusto and these need to be carefully addressed before you take the leap. It is probably a good idea to establish some ground rules in order to avoid the usual pitfalls that will certainly ensue if you aren't well prepared. The number one concern is always that old favourite, "office gossip" which is usually a highly exaggerated take on something that becomes "public" knowledge and turns into cheap fodder in the rumour gristmill if you have not taken precautions. You must always conduct yourselves as the professionals you are, and herein lies the challenge especially in that first glow of infatuation when there are sparks that could easily become flames, because if these are detected it will be too late even if you are a veteran fire chief! You must never sit at your desk and look dreamily at the object of your affection nor must you make endless runs by a certain someone's desk when you really have no reason to do so that is not personal. You must not be seen alone together anywhere within the building where you work, you must not be seen hanging into each others car windows as you leave and you must NEVER be seen arriving at work in one car. If you plan well and save the hearts and flowers for after hours you will be fine and once in awhile you may even get to sneak in a secret wave or smile .

1 comment:

Johnboy said...

You are absolutely too funny! Do you have someone in particular in mind? I have noticed that your treatises are becoming less brief and more pointed. Keep it coming. It is always an interesting read, regardless of the topic.