Saturday, March 1, 2008


Every big company has 'reporting' times and deadlines to deal with and the other commonality they share is the stress. N0 employees are exempt from the high levels of discomfort that accompany all reporting periods and for as long as these last, all stakeholders run the risk of having to deal with increased levels of angst, there is no getting away from that. Contrary to what you might think, our able CEOs do not arbitrarily demand that reports be completed by a certain date, it is their rightful expectation based upon your job description and if you are doing your job, this is part and parcel of your chosen career so it's best that you just get it done and return to the working life you knew and loved before the chaos kicked in. Some positives regarding this difficult time at work are however hard not to enjoy. You will note that many colleagues with whom you occasionally engage in inane conversation, race by you in the halls barely nodding a greeting as they make tracks for their cubby hole offices, while the water cooler is suddenly wide open with no line up in sight. The normal 5:00pm mass exodus from the building has turns into a virtual trickle and in fact you only have to wait 2 seconds for an elevator! If you've forgotten to bring lunch you make your way to the small in house snack bar and surprise, they haven't sold out of today's special and there is no jockeying for a position in the queue. Enjoy these small gifts that seem to come to you just when you most need them. Now get back to work!

1 comment:

Johnboy said...

Wouldn't life be boring without the peaks and vallies? And to imagine that people are actually expected to do the work they're paid for. Simply amazing. However, if we were civil servants, we would be able to bring the in the drones to do all the really pressing work while we basked in the radiance of public appreciation.