Saturday, March 8, 2008

Winter Travel Advisory

When heading south and away from our winter wonderland it is always better to dress for where you are leaving from than for where you are headed ( of course if you are coming back to winter the opposite applies!!). No matter how beautiful your toes may now look after their first pedi since last summer, resist the urge to show them off at the airport and choose warm socks and runners instead of the de rigeur flip flops, after all you'll have plenty of time to wiggle your exposed tootsies when you finally arrive at the beach. Wearing socks will keep your feet warm and comfortable on the plane and the runners will afford you some type of dignity during your time at the airport. You may have visited your local tanning salon prior to your departure or you may be returning home after days of baking in the sun, but you must try to resist the urge to show off your tanned gams by shunning those bermudas and skimpy sun dresses in favor of normal length jeans or pants that will manage to protect you from looking like a complete idiot when the snow is falling along with the temperatures. If you remember that television crews love to frequent busy airports especially when the weather is not conducive to punctual or reliable departures and landings then you might perhaps avoid looking foolish should your fifteen minutes of fame become available at the airport.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do I sense a bitter tone?