Sunday, March 9, 2008

Appreciating The Arts

While you may not be a die hard fan of modern art you can certainly appreciate at least some of it and so you might decide to visit an international exhibit in your city to perhaps add some colour and culture to your life. You may be ill prepared for and somewhat overwhelmed by the feast of shapes, sizes metals, paints clay etc. which greets your eyes but you must soldier on visiting each and every booth in order to have the full ART experience. It is quite possible that your benevolent feelings towards the visual arts will undergo a significant drop after only 5 or 10 minutes spent visiting any number of artsy kiosks. This will result in a palpable loss of enthusiasm but still you mustn't throw in the towel so prematurely. Continue to walk those aisles with an open heart in the hopes that something will tug at your insides other than an overpowering urge to bolt! Meet those hard working creative artists and try to listen to what they want to share with you about their passion. It is quite alright to realize that their passion is light years away from yours because there is still joy and beauty to find.... only maybe not at this particular venue!.

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