Friday, March 7, 2008

Losing Weight

We all know that there are major differences between men and women insofar as language and verbal expression are concerned but as different as we may seem to be on levels too numerous to count, we are pretty similar when it comes to losing that annoying extra weight. We more often than not have the same factors which motivate us to upgrade our physical casings and though we go about making the changes in similar ways, in the end when we stand back and look into the mirror to admire the new us we react differently to what we see. Granted there are those men who like their female counterparts notice each and every new wrinkle, gray hair, extra inches etc. however most men are more general in their self scrutiny. A woman will let you know to the precise inch just how much of her waistline has fallen away; a man will simply reveal the poundage that he has dropped offering no other details as the woman rambles on about her new hip size, pant size etc. etc. While I think that we need to acknowledge the hard work and dedication it takes to overhaul what needs tapering, we cannot expect everyone to be enthralled with our trip down chubby lane. We have to decide how much information is too much information. Personally I prefer the male version of weight loss as expressed by a friend: " I can take my old jeans off without undoing them!" That pretty much says it all and you are spared reliving the gruelling process that someone you know and love has had to endure

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