Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Dating Game 1-0

Once you have agreed upon a day for your "rendez-vous" it seems that it is full steam ahead until the arrival of the designated date. What goes without saying is that you are filled with waiting euphoria which only increases as the day approaches so that by "D' day you are at the max insofar as emotions go and as ready as you'll ever be to spend a wonderful time with the person you've decided to get to know. What you are not prepared for however, is for your plans to be cancelled at the very last minute and not formally or officially cancelled, but annulled via no communication whatsoever not even so much as an apologetic phone call which after some consideration you figure must be attributed to the lack of a confirmation/ non-confirmation clause. You may say that you knew from the start that these plans were not carved in stone but this does not negate your feelings of melancholy as you rue not meeting up with that someone you had so looked forward to seeing. There are of course a myraid of possible explanations as to what went wrong with your 'plans' but the bottom line is that you need a better system next time you choose to make any of these types of arrangements. You may not make plans that hinge on the "if as in If I'm not too busy", To be absolutely certain that you have all your ducks in a row, do not agree to call it a date unless you have FIRM confimation; time, day, place etc. etc. you will in the future treat all romantic assignations as if they were orders from a catalogue therefore without written (sic..verbal) confirmation there is no order..no DATE!

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