Thursday, March 20, 2008

Oh Baby!

For the unborn child nothing can be more off-putting than having its mother to be talking at the highest decibel possible. It is odd that with all the research available, modern moms to be believe that the only way their unhatched darlings can hear them or the music they play (for them alone???)is if the sound bites are at full volume. Long ago moms to be would softly sing or hum to their unborn children and the in utero listening experience was always a pleasure, but todays hatchlings are not blessed with parents to be who display any kind of intuition insofar as what their babes would like or enjoy. It is almost as if they NEED to hear their own voices in order to be convinced that baby hears them too. This creates difficulty for all extended family members as well for they are the unwitting and suffering bystanders who must somehow continuously adjust the television volume in order to hear only partial commentary of a hockey game or only half the punchlines during their favourite sitcoms so disruptive is the mommy babble. The new moms to be are the disc jockeys of the only radio? station that is available to their children and they have the exclusive rights to say and play what they want. This of course means that there is no variety available for these babies and the unfortunate reality is that today more children are born with difficulties in focussing. Can you really blame them if they opt to tune out? What remains to be seen is how other family members choose to deal with this increasingly difficult situation.

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