Saturday, March 15, 2008

How Did I Get To Be The Luckiest?

Whenever anything doesn't go exactly as you plan , or if things in general are less than perfect, you must take comfort in the knowledge that you are still the luckiest person in the world. This is not merely a think positive tactic it is an important truth that a very wise man taught me many many years ago and he was NEVER wrong! No matter what cards you are dealt, no matter how many lousy hands play out badly, you are still the luckiest. We all have our own personalized "lucky" lists which consist of all the great things that we have going for us yet when life in shades of gray throws us a few curves we crumple up our lists, toss them into dusty corners and wallow in our 'poor me' cocoons. Instead of wallowing perhaps it is time to take back the "luck" and never let it go too far again because the reality is, if tossed too many times the list becomes irretrieveable leaving the luckiest to turn into their far less attractive polar opposites and that is not an appealing prospect.

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