Sunday, March 23, 2008

Gossip and Other Slurs

Too often we hear people (unfortunately usually women) say things about others and do nothing by way of making them accountable for the heresay that they seem to thrive on spreading as far as the mouth can infect. We listen, we even tell others what we have "heard" making us links in the unbroken telephone chain that is so much more onerous than that old childhood game of a similar name. When we reflect on what we should have done, we are usually filled with remorse for not having taken action to thwart the advance of the rumour and as we all know, hindsight is perfect. The best plan is perhaps to have a plan in place that you can summon whenever the "occasion" arises and arise it will as long as people have big mouths. Gossip mongers are not to be confronted head to head as they tend to be dangerous so it is a much better idea to appear to be proferring advice to HELP them curb their rumour spreading ways thus taking an offensive rather than a defensive stance. I recently told a notorious gossiper that I was afraid people might label her a total fool if she continued to spread utterly unfounded stories, and she was at a loss for words when faced with a non agressive statement which appeared to her to be an instance of my honest attempt to save her from herself. I told her that I was sure she did not want to have her image defined as a spreader of uncorroborated nonsense and I must say it felt great to listen to her scramble and backpaddle to distance herself from what she had been spewing as of late. I discussed the probability that as a result of her indiscriminate gossiping, she has lost all credibility and I basically let her understand that she had no recourse but to cease and desist as she needs to focus all her energy on beginning the arduous task of rebuilding HER reputation! This woman is total poison but I have no feelings of remorse. I did what I should have done many times before and it feels great. Try it!!!


Mcg bay said...

Why is it that we enjoy gossip so much? Why is it that when we gossip we insist that we are right and that the "others" socializing is way out of line? The challenge for a professional Gossip is to gossip so that it comes across as if he/she actually knows what they're talking about. Innuendo and rumour often do so much to ruin the reputations of those that do not deserve to have it done in, but also build up those that are less than deserving.

Stock and Trade said...

I still believe that what goes around etc. so the newly and undesredly elevated will be in for a certain great fall a la Humpty Dumpty.

Stock and Trade said...

no editing, sorry, should read "undeservedly"