Saturday, March 29, 2008

Gone Fishing

There appears to be a parallel link between online dating and fishing yet despite many similarities, if you think about it, fishing is probably easier as well as more efficient. You go fishing and you are in the great outdoors not stuck at home in front of your computer. You go fishing and get to reel in any fish that bites. YOU get to decide if that particular fish is a keeper without any of the double talk or false representation that you surely would have had to put up with online. If you've decided that a particular fish is not for you, all that is required is that you dump it back into the lake. Unlike online, you do not need to fret about causing the jettisoned fish any feelings of rejection, it's the cleanest kindest "no thank you" there is and as yet there us nothing like it when it comes to getting rid of an online wannabe. When you go fishing there are no videocams so a bad hair day is a non-issue and you'll not be reproached by any fish for the sloppy way you are dressed or for your 1920 waders. You do not need to hide behind a cyber false identity when you go fishing, you can be your true self and know that you will only be judged on your hunting prowess not the amount of university degrees you hold or the work you do. You get to fish in a group or alone and again unlike online, no negative comments will be made regarding your choice. I think that the best part of fishng is that you get to be quiet. You do not need to type a million fancy words a minute and even better is the fact that you really do not have to listen. If we are honest, we'd have to admit that fishing beats online hands down!!


Unknown said...

...and when fishing you really don't get upset if you don't catch anything, as you have enjoyed the pleasure of your own company while basking in the healing plein air de Mother Nature the whole day.

(as opposed to being most upset with "catching something", as is the possibility of such,sometime during the evening of the offline stage of said online expedition, from someone that fished you in )

...also when fishing you always "use" a real nylon fishing line ie. 10 Lb. test line, 20 Lb. test line...depending on the size of fish you are angling for;

...where as on the other hand, you are "handed"a line, ie.10 Lb b.s line, or 20 Lb. b.s. line, depending on angle that is being used to fish you in.

...also with fishing, even if you do catch a big one, only to discover, as you fillet your catch,that it be infected by parasites ie. worms, you can easily and effortlessly discard the entire carcass - straight to the dumpster followed by a thorough hand washing..nothing more need be said/done;
..whereas on the other hand by the time you have "filleted" your online fish, it's too late -you've most likely over committed yourself and the only way you'll get them out of your house and bank account, is to spend a whole lot of $$ to hire someone to put that carcass into the dumpster for you,but your hands will never be clean... try as you will Mcbeth.

Stock and Trade said...

I wonder if Baroness Von BRAUN was a fan of fishing or did she perhaps languish all day long having coco'bananas?

Stock and Trade said...
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