Monday, March 17, 2008

The Diplomat

If you are really and truly lucky, your boss is not merely the boss, he/she is more of a diplomat and as such so many unsavoury situations will be avoided as your personal diplomat shares his/her tactical expertise equally with all employees. For example, in a situation where someone needs to retire but no one dares broach the subject, the diplomat/boss will finesse the matter by "promoting" that person to a seemingly higher station that will be too difficult and totally untenable for the employee, thus percipitating the desired resignation..all this done minus the normal whining and disparaging remarks so that the boss looks like the caring individual he/she is while the retiree gets to bow out gracefully, ego more than less intact, unharassed and not at all demeaned. The importance of diplomatic training has been recognized by many governments as a vital part of good working relations within multifaceted companies to the point that funding has been made available for people in the corporate world to share in the highly sensitive training previously reserved for the diplomatic corps. In the new business world, the ace in the hole is undeniably the boss/diplomat. He/She is the successful author of varying trade agreements otherwise known as job shifting. The boss "suggests" the changes that he/she knows are needed and all manoeuvres are carried out with almost seamless military precision minus the emotional quotient that would otherwise be very much in play and would sabotage any effective change. If your company has a "diplomat" at the helm then you have nothing to fear. Your workplace will be maintained in shipshape order and you will be asked to change either positions or ships by special kid gloved invitation.


Johnboy said...

Very astute!

Mcg bay said...

I can readily agree that the diplomatic skills needed by supreme rulers are very important when one wishes to "encourage" change. Just how big should the stick be, and how small should the carrot be?

Mcg bay said...

This is most sincere and challenging problem for the exalted leader. Does she carry a big stick or a small carrot? I do not envy such a situation. Perhaps Norm from "Cheers" should be called to help!