Friday, April 18, 2008

Support Your Local Artistes!!

You have a date with Number Three and as you ponder the venue for your "meet, greet, and?" why not consider going to a quiet cafe where you can get acquainted to the strains of music played by home grown musicians? Not only can this be the perfect romantic setting, but if Number Three turns out to be someone who the word romantic does not apply to, you can always engage in spirited conversation talking right through the musical sets without any fears of offending the musicians as they are by now quite inured to the rudeness of their local audiences. If you want to gauge her culture quotient head to the local museum and check out the wall hangings. All you have to do is ask Number Three for her take on what she sees, and you'll know more than enough to help you make an informed decision. You may opt for dinner in a restaurant to see if Number Three measures up to Number Two and Number One in the table manners portion of the competition; Why not take her to an oyster bar and see how she shucks! After all is said and done you can honestly say that you are a supporter of the arts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A much better and exacting test as to any "number's" cultural quotient pose the queery...

" What are the four questions ?"

...and thusly, ranking of said contestants can be instantaneously scored.

In case of a tie between any number of participants, who ever explains/promises," Why this night is like/going to be like, no other night",with the most convincing detail is the winner.