Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Subterfuge or Supplying a False Sense of Security

Before moving back in (temporarily of course) with Mom and Dad it is best to try and establish your own personal guidelines and it wouldn't hurt at all to rehearse just what you are going to say making sure to factor in the required degree of grovelling. Once you have heard their expectations and fully understand the restrictions that are involved in your becoming their 'child' again and a "guest" in your childhood home, all that remains is for you to move in. You must constantly remind yourself that this will not be an easy period of adjustment, in fact it is more than likely to be fraught with incredible tension. In order to make the new living arrangements bearable, your behaviour will have to be practically perfect and you will have no choice but to take a breather from the 'romantic' part of your life and focus on putting in the required time 'lamenting' the demise of your marriage. You will table (for a reasonable amount of time) all romantic assignments that would have kept you out late on "date" nights and fill in those time slots with quality time spent in the company of your parental units. If you have the backbone and determination to begin this next phase of your life with a clean slate, you have no other options. You must focus on your ultimate goals and hopefully this will help afford you the courage it will take to make this break and move forward. Remember that lies and dishonesty do not a strong foundation make. Subterfuge as a result of caring and self protection is clearly the only way to go. Be grateful for the roof over your head and learn to take (with a grain of salt at the very least) the loving assistance/judgement your parents are so looking forward to lavishing on you. In the end you may disprove that old saying; "you can never go home again!"

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