Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Little Night Noise

If we confess to being light sleepers then we must admit to having had our share of "nuits blanches' due to a myriad of different sound bytes that have either woken us from a deep sleep, or prevented us from drifting off. The variety of noises runs the gamut from snoring, trains, snow removal crews, honking horns. car alarms run amok and neighbours both above and to the sides of the apartment who clearly can't sleep and want you to be an insomniac just like them. The only way to get the zzzzs you need is not to fight the sounds that you can't fight. If you master this, and learn to accept those inevitable noises, then as miraculous as the parting of the Red Sea, the other disturbing sounds will fade so far into the background that you'll never really hear them again. The only hitch is that for this to be possible you must learn to embrace the very sounds that you have always found to be so grating. You must embrace the snores of the one who sleeps beside you and in this case 'snores' is an acronym for any number of other personal sounds that emanate from the one you love whether they be "harmless" or not. The key is just to be happy that person is there, noises and all.

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