Thursday, April 3, 2008


One of the most difficult things to do is to stick to your guns and do what you set out to do not letting anything or anyone cause you to deviate from your chosen path. If you have decided to be carb free for fourteen days then stay carb free and do not whine about your preceived state of deprivation. If you have decided that your house needs to be sold and you put it on the market, be prepared to put in the time it might take to get your asking price but stick to what you know it's worth and take no lowballing offers especially if potential buyers claim that you should accept their ridiculous offer quickly before they jet off for a vacation in Bermuda! ( or try to get your agent to accept 4% instead of 5%) If you have decided that your marriage is no longer viable then get out! Do not linger unnecessarily in wishful thought or on the telephone, and do not enter into a non-productive cyber relationship with your soon to be ex; you've decided it's over so end it. There is a reason why you have decided to cut your brother out of your life and unless you remind yourself why that is, you risk having him return with a vengeance via email and telephone, once again wreaking havoc with your piece of mind as he spews about all his "imagined" physical ailments and bad luck. The hardest thing to stick to may be cutting chocolate out of your life. You will just have to bite the bullet and remove all the hidden stash from the nooks and crannies around the house to help you accomplish your goal. Your willpower quotient is only as strong as your committment to your objectives.


Unknown said...

...true, but one still suffers
... yet one still hopes

Stock and Trade said...

One can always elect to end suffering and reward hope, unless one chooses not to, in which case there is absolutely no suffering and a definite moratorium on hope.