Friday, June 20, 2008

The Transfer

What do you do when you return from two days away from work to find that your boss is to be transferred? The thing is, do you do the generous/generic "right" thing when you respond as in "good for you every change is a good change", or in a case where you actually LIKE your boss do you give in to the strong urge to break into loud sobbing and wallow in self pity under a cloud of dark thoughts? Maybe the powers that be have designed these transfers to weed out the weak and if this is true, the transfer thus becomes a barometer by which YOUR abilities are to be assessed: will employee "X" be able to handle this change or crack under the pressure that comes with breaking in a new administrator? If the transfer is not necessarily something you wanted to see happen, then for self-preservation purposes it is most likely that you will have to do the best acting job of your life. Considering that you must maintain at least the appearance of strength and control you will choose to smile and say all the normal things you are expected to say like: "of course it will be odd to come into work everyday and see a STRANGER in your office", or perhaps you'll go with the old "this place will never be the same once you leave" , or the often used "that's great news I wish you all the best in your new location". You will never reveal what you are really thinking because that just wouldn't be professional would it? How bad would you look if you threw yourself at his/her knees and begged them to stay? How crazy would it sound if you said that you can't see how you will ever again feel as good about going to work as you do when he/she runs the show? You will simply have to get a grip and stop being so selfish. When you understand that your boss wants this transfer which brings him/her closer to home and family you will simply have to say "thanks": for all the years of generous leadership and unlimited support, for always trying to make things better, for affording us so many opportunities to learn and finally, you will say thanks for being our fearless leader.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a huge shock to all of us when we were gathered for a "brief meeting" Friday morning. Everybody was left with their chin on the floor, and I think we are all worried about the new captain coming aboard...