Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Resurrection

Numbers one and three have risen again so it's back to the mixed grab bag for our fearless dater. Number One however has undergone a name change and will from now on be known as Sparky, while Number Three retains her original moniker! How now will our dating hero make his ultimate decision? Will any bamboo be involved? It is hoped that he will be at least a bit cautious where Sparky is concerned, and more flexible with Number Three. For now the score is Sparky two points, won on Saturday, the universal date night, over dinner and a romantic stroll? which may just be a sign that the tides have turned and you are back in like Flynn, while Number Three waits patiently? for her day in the sun (and her points)not at all aware that she just may have already become one of the fish on the salmon run. Only time and the upcoming birthday will tell how she fares in her upstream battle. Will sparks fly on the 19th? Will green be the colour du jour? Stay tuned and Happy Birthday.

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