Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ten Things I Learned

When we are very young, our 'real' and 'true' education begins. (NOT the one at school!!) We learn many things from our parents (if we're lucky) long before we get to the "life" lessons that kick in in earnest almost as soon as we leave home. If you go way way back in time and try to compress all the lessons learned at parents' knees into a top ten list, the task will surely turn out to be a bit daunting to say the least, it did for me. I list ours here, in no particular order.

1. Family comes first, ALWAYS

3. Don't ever lie to yourself

4. Find at least one hour in every twenty four, just for you
5. Don't be a quitter

6. You do not need a lot of friends and you are lucky if you have one GOOD one

7. Read Read Read, learn forever and always know what's going on in the world

8. Be kind and considerate, never selfish

9. Exercise Exercise Exercise: Play golf, tennis swim do archery, gymnastics, ski, (water and downhill )take Taekwondo, boxing, wrestling, roller and ice skate, toboggan, play basketball in the driveway, swim, lift weights, do push-ups, play ping-pong nightly etc.etc.

10. Always try your best and don't let anyone tell you that you can't

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