Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day Postscript

All (but one) of your chickens have flown the coop and the one that remains is on holiday so what's a dad to do for dad's day? You decide that two out of three ain't bad so you invite your hatchlings for an afternoon barbecue. You do a nice sized supermarket shop and squeeze in a ball game all before your children are due to arrive; you are oranized, not exactly a dad quality but then you are after all no ordinary dad, you are a dad against the grain. At the last minute you find out that your daughter misread her work schedule and had to be at work at the precise time the barbecue was to have begun while your son upon hearing that his sister was going to be a no show decided that he'd not be coming either. This is where your against the grainness kicked into high gear. Instead of feeling blue, getting "lips", and/or eating all the food yourself, you wisely decided to freeze the feast and postpone the celebration until all three of your babies are available. Most men would not be as flexible but because you are secure in the knowledge that your children so love you each and every day of the year, you can hold Father's Day whenever you like because for you, any/everyday is Father's Day.

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