Friday, July 17, 2009

Rolls Etc.....

By far, the best bread products this side of Toronto are to be found and enjoyed in La Belle Province. They are soo good that it scarcely matters what topping you choose because truth be known, they are absolutely perfect on their own! The only problem is how does one avoid becoming a bread gourmand when it is so readily available. After much deliberation, the answer has come to me. One does not avoid it at all. You must indulge to the fullest (only if you are a vacationer!!) and make sure that every trip to your local boulangerie/patisserie counts. Unforunately you can also count on tons of extra poundage but in the end, what's a little weight gain between friends of les pains? Don't forget to try the brioches, croissants, baguettes, parisiennes, petits fours, assorted patisseries, coeurs de France et al or you haven't really lived.

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