Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rabbit Overflow

You are decidedly a pet lover who for years, due to allergies, has been unable to offer shelter to any homeless animal. Your dry "petless" run finally ended when Mox moved in and watching you slice and dice his mini salads it was clear to all that you had found THE furry creature to love and care for. Mox quickly became ruler of the 'family' room and even had his own personal partiion (cardboard) for those occasions when leaving the family room would not have been in his best interest; (safety wise) yet he is given free reign to roam the house when you are there. Mox is totally devoted to you and to demonstrate solidarity, he doesn't miss an opportunity to join you on the sofa to be serenaded by your husbands guitar. Things have been hopping along at a perfect pace but somehow you managed to find not one but TWO more homeless rabbits and your big warren-like heart just had to 'rescue' them. There is no turning back, you are never going to abandon these orphans. You now have your own bonafide rabbit hutch where none of the three get along, you need to be thrice as vigilent AND most fun of all, you have become like those overworked people at the zoo who have that one very important job; SANITATION! Still, better you than me, you love them and if it was me, there'd be a loss of sanity way before I even considered sanitation!

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