Monday, October 6, 2008


Well it happened! The switch has come to pass, the new boss is ensconced in his office and all seems ok until...the 'old' boss comes for a visit. Suddenly all your efforts at acclimatising to the changes the 'new guy' brought with him seem inadequate as you realize how much you have missed the old guy! He re-enters your work space bringing with him that aura of calm and joy that you realize you have been missing all the while you had been thinking that the transition was going fairly smoothly. So much for that ridiculous theory. New guy is nice and does his job well but old guy.....that's a completely different story. Old guy brings his heart everywhere he goes and that is impossible not to notice. You may not remember all that he did each and everday during his time at the helm, but it is clearly impossible to forget the man himself when you are confronted by sheer wonder as the essence of his being once again fills the building. His visit is thankfully brief as if he too feels the incredible power of nostalgia and knows as do you, that there is only so much of that one can take in the professional arena.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it knocked the wind out of can be hard to adapt to change. I've missed your daily thoughts...!!

Stock and Trade said...

No wind knocking, actually pretty nice in small manageable doses.