Thursday, October 30, 2008

Faublous Eighty!!!

No words are adequate to describe our own personal woman of valour who today marks an awe-inspiring milestone that we are so fortunate to be able to celebrate with her although some of us are not in the same geographical area. It is testimony to the wide net she casts with love, that we can and do feel so near despite the many many miles that are between us. Our guiding light, our shining star our mother, like no other before her and we four, the smartest children who ever lived for having the sheer genius required to choose the very best that heaven had to offer. It is often said that we pick our parents and what a pick we made! So Mom will be glad to know that today is not only about her, it is about us too, her four jewels, her four treasures, her two sons and her two daughters. Today is our day to pat ourselves on our backs for choosing so perfectly. Today is the day when we recognize yet again how lucky we are, how much we love and respect our mom and how much joy she has always made sure we had in our day to day lives both as little ones and now adults. In a way, today is a day like every other, it is yet another day for us to continue to show Mom that she is respected, admired, oh so easy on the eyes and totally loved.

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