Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rats In The Cradle? No In The Window!!!!

Aside from dashed dreams and loss of income, razing the infested eating area that has always been a disease waiting to pounce, is a necessary step to take if the area in question is ever to be HEALTHY again; the upside would of course be no deaths due to poisoning. In a predominantly rat/mouse infested radius no matter how many inspectors were/are duped into issuing a 'Pass' rating, the bottom line is painfully evident when a simple camera lens is able to capture the image of Mr. Rat in a restaurant window standing guard over the green Pass permit. All this media coverage and nary a shot of the restaurant kitchens, washrooms etc. where in all probability, legions of rats run amok undetected by the paparazzi. Add to this leaked purchase receipts for indoor combat gear and you can pretty well picture the dress code for the food preparation staff. Mr. Rat calmly sunning himself for all to see is a final indicator of how brazen these rodents have become and leads me to believe that there is no alternative other than the big raze. The kitchen is hot enough without the added layers of protective clothing, and billy clubs should NEVER inadvertently be used as mixing spoons,

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