Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Flame

When one speaks of flames what exactly is it that is meant when referencing all the possibilities where flames are concerned. There are eternal flames, past flames, (old) rekindled flames, (what was old is/can be new again) flames that are only really embryonic in terms of intensity, and flames way too hot to handle. (clearly the opposite of the embryonic!) Each strata of the various types of flames is unique yet all of them need to be handled with extreme care. Flames when mishandled have a terrible way of burning and not even flame resistent clothing can prevent the scarring. It really doesn't matter if you are able to diagnose your personal flame type; what does matter is that you see it for what it is and not be afraid to face what it brings. The saying 'don't get too close to the flame' is a rather broad preventative that in the end could cost you the undeniable once in a lifetime chance to experience something quite extraordinary.

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