Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thanksgiving Long Weekend Looms

The perfect time to give thanks and ponder life as we know it, is upon us. Aptly named, it seems to generate thoughts on any and or all the components of our day to day and at some point no matter what the sum total is, we need to acknowledge that we have much to be grateful for. We begin perhaps with the little things such as gratitude for long weekends, and move on to the larger items like family, close friends and health. We do this simply by word motivation which thus begs an answer to the question what if there was no official "Thanksgiving," would we steal any time whatsoever from our hurried lives to really take an honest look at who we are or what we have? I think it is fair to say that many of us do in fact take fleeting moments to sit back and admit how lucky we are, but there are also many who would be lost sheep in the gratitude department were it not for this holiday. Many need to be enticed into the realm of counting blessings and because most methods used to encourage this are not successful, how fortuitous that we have Thanksgiving Day and its accompanying long weekend. Not only do we get the 'day' itself but we get a cornucopia of days just in case we happen to be too busy on THE day! In all, Thanksgiving is a win win time of year and the only way to improve upon this tried and true occasion, is to have at least one for every season.

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