Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Golf With Mom

I doubt that there are kids anywhere as lucky as my sibs and I because we have the most amazing mom. No visible signs of aging and no noticeable decline of energy despite the advancing years. As odd as it may seem, we four have trouble keeping up with her as do her many grandchildren who range in age from 10-27 years old. No amount of pre dinner prepping in front of the mirror results in our looking as beautiful or well put together as our mom so we don't even go there. We play golf every weekday with our stunning and classy mother who can still out drive and out putt while looking like a movie star and it is not at all surprising that Mom still turns heads wherever she goes, even at the golf course! On the wooded fairways and in the hushed silence that is our golfing milieu Mom points out the wild flowers, the natural springs and the waterlillies with the same appreciation as when she tells us to listen to the frogs at the water hole whose croaking does indeed sound like guitar twangs. Mom can still spot the wild raspberry bushes and for some reason they taste way better when she picks them. Mom is our own personal golf pro as she suggests which clubs to use for certain trickier shots and is always ready with helpful hints on how to avoid the sand traps. Now that we too are parents we can easily see in our golfing Mom yet another dimension although she manages a seamless extension of her skills as a mother. She has always encouraged, praised and taught, so it is not at all hard to understand why golf with Mom is not simply a game that is fun and competitive. Golf with our mom is the 'green' cup without the flag, but full of love.

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