Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nothing To Say, Nothing To Hide, No Reason To Call

You have cut her loose..finally, and instead of seeking her out you must remember all the reasons that prompted you to let her go and stay far far away. There could have been someone who told you to jettison the one who you had been with for a pretty long time, and you decided to follow the strong suggestion, or you figured out that a two or three timing life wasn't a valuable or productive use of your time so you cut the expendable. The reasons matter little but what does matter is how you adjust to no more freedom then you ever had before. You mistakenly assumed that your activities were in danger of being curtailed and perhaps/hopefully now you are actually able to see that that just wasn't the case, you were soooooo wrong. Nothing and/or no one can ever stand in the way of you getting all that you think you want. Inasmuch as you have wiped out your last relationship you have absolutely no reason to maintain contact of any kind with her and should be concentrating on having your life exactly where you decided you need it to be, without her. Wipeout is the same as erasing and is therefore permanent. There is nothing to worry about either. All wounds heal and people move on to where they were meant to go. When you have nothing left to offer and no regrets, it would be the most honest and selfless thing to ask someone to go and then to actually let them do so.

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