Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Jazz In The Rain

For the second year in a row you become one with the moving wall of people who like you love being outdoors on the streets of the big city humming, swaying and dancing to the 'surround sound' music from the bandshells that dot the perimeter of the 'jazz' area. You have taken nothing for granted weatherwise and are armed with your trusty plasic outer covering in case of rain, but with the sun shining and the promise of continuing summer-like weather you suddenly decide to throw caution and pessimism to the wind and you leave your plastic rain protectors in the car, just this once. You have the best seats/stands in the HOUSE when the first bolt of lightening brightens the sky and as blue fades instantly to a gray/black you continue to listen to the music which is fine despite the unheralded addition of the loud thunder claps. As the heavy rain begins to pour down you scramble for cover and join a new wall of people under the eaves of a large theatre. The mood continues to be upbeat and as you knew it would the rainfall ceases leaving a darkened evening sky and multi luminated puddles that glow in colour reflected from the lights still flashing on the stages. You bravely reassume the position and make an executive decision not to return to the car to fetch your rain gear. Jazz in the rain is still perfect!

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