Friday, July 11, 2008

On Becoming An Actor

How do you handle someone's declining memory without letting them know that you know their saddest of secrets? It is certainly a challenge to pretend that all is 'normal' when there are so many things that happen which show you that this is as far away from the truth as we are from the moon and stars. It occurs to me that it is perhaps a good strategy to behave like Sarah Bernhardt and give daily performances that are Oscar worthy so that you never tip your hand and reveal what it is that you know. Hopefully the acting will get easier with each passing occasion and your heart will hurt less after you have several 'good' performances under your belt. This is a harder than any audition you might have to endure because without even trying you've gotten the part, the role is yours for as long as it needs to be. There will be no nights or weekends off, no understudy will step in, and you are not at all prepared. You have no script to read from, no director to tell you where your mark is and you do not want to know about the last act. The only thing to say to yourself at this point is;

Break A Leg!

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