Saturday, August 2, 2008

Go Home!

Although it has often been said that you 'can never go home again' I think that it is in fact quite possible to do. Perhaps you are not too thrilled about revisiting places from your past because of the memories you know will resurface and this is probably due to the fact that you believe on some intellectual level, that these are better left tucked away in the recesses of your mind. I find it interesting that the very memories we try to keep at bay are often the ones we need to revisit so we probably should be brave and take those trips back to wherever. We will hopefully be able to see 'home' through 'new' eyes thus lessening the potential power of any unhappy or painful past recollections and strengthening the original love that used to draw us back with such a magnetic force. While it is true that we will miss seeing certain people, we need never let that 'missing' altar the way we feel about 'home'. Remember that 'everything old is new again' so when we have the good fortune to re-meet those with whom we had lost touch, we come to the realization that these new/old relationships are the perfect antidote to the reluctance that sometimes precedes a visit to the past. If you are really lucky, you will manage to create new, strong and happy memories that will keep you coming back to your special place with a lighter heart.

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