Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Addicted To Text Twist

I have always loved words and all games involving word puzzles. Up to now Scrabble was my all time fave. Crosswords were a fine stand in if a game of Scrabble was not possible and I was satisfied...until.. a friend at work purchased an IPad and introduced me to Text Twist. The addiction began slowly and caught me totally by surprise. In the blink of an eye we were playing throughout our lunch breaks and all too soon we were playing at every single break we had. We began to widen the gaming circle and in no time flat some of our colleagues joined the fray. Now we have become a veritable vocabulary army united in a common cause, to find all the words and fill all the grids. We seem to be in a marathon of letters trying to amass a ridiculous number of points and we are ruthless in our quest to complete our mission . Due to the fact that we cannot move to the next level until we have decoded all the letters and rather than remain stuck, we have finally crossed the moral code line and now resort to online assistance.I thought that this 'help' would lessen the sense of accomplishment as we overcome the hurdles of letters we cannot order and that we cannot help but twist and twist again, but no,honestly, I've checked, and not an ounce of self loathing or remorse is felt. We breeze along frantically typing words and actually spelling them out loud for those who are momentarily masters of the mouse. We have dispensed with the 'timer' no guilt there either...So it seems safe to say that my guilt free addiction is not anything I need counselling for, I will continue to seek help as needed, but that's about it.

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